First off, thanks for reading this blog. Most likely, we've met in some art event in the past month, or on the street, or by pure chance. In this entry, I'll talk about what collaboration between artists can be and how it is crucial to helping the community as a whole grow and change for the better.
Openness and working together are qualities that we need to promote more often within the Philly art community- too often, we hole ourselves up in our studios and only venture to interact with the outside world when we want to have somebody buy our stuff. To be honest, though, maybe I'm speaking for myself… still, I don't see artists teaming up on a project together too often. And it's a real shame.
The artists that I worked with to start this are eternally in my heart, and I'm ready to share some of their names here:
Kitakiya Dennis
Steve Peters
Wes Gilbert
Feya Sterling
Althea Taylor
Some superfans also came out to support, including Manny Marzzallino, Yo Kene, and Ren Liam. Thanks again for your support.
Now, onto the process itself...